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Standard Operating Procedures

Standard Operating Procedures

We have following standard operating procedures (SOPs) for your convinience


Documents Required

Following documents are required to proceed:

  1. Registration / Transfer Form
  2. NICOP / CNIC of self  & Nominee
  3. Payment Receipts / Pay Order / Draft
  4. 2 x photographs
  5. Membership  Performance
  6. Signature & Thumb impression form

Steps to be followed :

  1. Selection of Property Size
  2. All personal information is filled correctly
  3. Data entry of the nominee
  4. Entry of Payments
  5. Signature

Online Booking Modes :

  1. Online Booking : Login/Register to Member Portal and Book Online
  2. Offline Booking : Download e-Form (Manual Booking)
  1. Associate Membership Performa
  2. Specimen Signature (PDF)
  3. Registration form
  4. Specimen Signature (Word)
Documents Required

Following documents are required to proceed with the verification of a property:

  1. Copy of Allocation / Membership letter / Allotment certificate / Allotment letter / Transfer letter
  2. Copy of computerized National Identity Card
  3. Copy of computerized National Identity Card of Authority holder (If authorized by the owner)
  4. Originally paid slips of the verification fee
  5. Copy of Property Dealer’s Registration Card (if applied through Property dealer)

Follow below steps to proceed verification :

  1. Submit verification application along with above mentioned documents at Customer Support Centre
  2. Owner / Authority holder will collect verified documents from Customer Support Centre on the date provided
  1. verification of property (word)
  2. verification of property (pdf)
Documents Required

Statement of Dues (SOD) is the first step for transfer in which the owner has to clear his outstanding objections and dues.

Following documents are required to proceed:

  1. Transfer request Performa
  2. Copy of Computerized National Identity Card
  3. Original Membership letter / Transfer letter / Allotment certificate / Allotment letter
  4. Paid slip of Transfer & MS fee
  5. Paid slip of Outstanding dues

Steps to be followed :

  1. Submit Transfer request to obtain SOD
  2. Customer will visit on the date and time provided for the collection of SOD to clear payments
  3. After payments, the customer submits documents along with receipts for obtaining NDC
  4. Collect NDC on the date & time provided by the Transfer officer
  1. Transfer Request Performa (word)
  2. Transfer Request Performa (pdf)
Documents Required

Following documents are required to proceed:

  1. Transfer Request, Statement of Dues (SOD) and No Demand Certificate (NDC) as per above para 4 
  2. Original Membership letter, Allotment Certificate, Allotment letter or Transfer letter
  3. Copy of Computerized National Identity Card of the Seller, Purchaser and Next of Kin
  4. Deposit slips of Membership fee, Transfer fee and all Outstanding amount
  5. Membership / Associate membership form of the purchaser
  6. 2 x Passport size photographs of the purchaser
  7. Affidavit of the Seller and Purchaser
  8. Undertaking of the purchaser
  9. General Power of Attorney (GPA) & Special Power of Attorney (SPA)

Steps to be followed :

  1. Apply and receive “No Demand Certificate” as per above para 4
  2. Customer will bring Transfer documents along with all paid slips as per SOD to the Transfer officer for obtaining Transfer appointment
  3. Transfer Officer will give transfer appointment
  4. Both Seller and Purchaser will visit Transfer branch for Transfer process
  5. Customer will bring original Computerized National Identity Card on the given date to collect Transfer letter
  6.  Urgent Transfer can be done after the payment of Urgent Transfer fee
  1. Special Power of Attorney (word)
  2. Special Power of Attorney (PDF)
  3. General Power of Attorney (word)
  4. General Power of Attorney (PDF)
  5. Affidavit of Seller (PDF)
  6. Affidavit of Seller (Word)
  7. Affidavit of Purchaser (word)
  8. Affidavit of Purchaser (PDF)
Documents Required

Following documents are required to proceed:

  1. Registration / Transfer Form
  2. NICOP / CNIC of self  & Nominee
  3. Payment Receipts / Pay Order / Draft
  4. 2 x photographs
  5. Membership  Performance
  6. Signature & Thumb impression form

Steps to be followed :

  1. Selection of Property Size
  2. All personal information is filled correctly
  3. Data entry of the nominee
  4. Entry of Payments
  5. Signature
  1. Affidavit by the doner (word)
  2. Affidavit by the doner (pdf)
  3. Affidavit by donee (word)
  4. Affidavit by donee (PDF)
  5. Gift deed for love & affection (word)
  6. Gift deed for love & affection (pdf)
  7. certificate by the donee (word)
  8. certificate by the donee (PDF)
Documents Required

After the death of the owner, property is transferred to the legal heir(s) i.e. widow(s) / widowers ( having children / no children, dispute / no dispute, widow(s) / re-marries) :

Following documents are required to proceed:

  1. Legal Heir(s) Transfer Documents
  2. Original Membership Letter / Transfer Letter / Allotment Certificate / Allotment Letter
  3. Declaratory decree in respect of Legal Heir(s) issued by the Civil Judge having competent Jurisdiction
  4. Death Certificate (duly attested)
  5. Copies of Computerized National Identity Card of all Legal Heir(s) (duly attested)
  6. 2 x Passport Size photographs of each Legal Heir (duly attested by Gazetted Officer)
  7. Membership form of Legal Heir(s)
  8. Membership fee and Transfer fee slips
  9. Affidavits of Widows / Widower / Legal Heir(s)

Steps to be followed : 

  1. Submit documents to the Transfer Officer at Customer Support Centre
  2. Legal heir(s) will visit Transfer Officer for Transfer process
  3. Legal Heir(s) along with their original Computerized National Identity Card will visit Transfer branch to collect Transfer letter
  4. In case, any one of the Legal Heir is abroad, he / she can authorize any other Legal Heir to receive letter on his / her behalf. Authority Letter has to be attested by the Pakistan Embassy / Consulate abroad
  1. legal heir(s) transfer application (word)
  2. legal heir(s) transfer application (pdf)
Documents Required

Following documents are required to proceed:

  1. Documents as per of Regular Transfer to be signed by the owner and attested by the Embassy / Consulate abroad
  2. Attested copy of owners Computerized National Identity Card from concerned Embassy / Consulate abroad
  3. Attested copy of Passport and Visa with Exit and Entry stamps from concerned Embassy / Consulate abroad
  4. Submission of General Power of Attorney on Stamp paper duly attested by concerned Embassy / Consulates abroad

Steps to be followed :

  1. General Power of Attorney holder submits documents to Transfer Officer
  2. Transfer Officer will verify transfer documents from concerned Embassy / Consulate and Owner
  3. After receiving the confirmation letter from the Embassy / Consulate General Power of Attorney holder will follow procedure as per the process of Regular Transfer


  1. General Power of Attorney (word)
  2. General Power of Attorney (PDF)
Documents Required

Following documents are required to proceed:

  1. Documents as per of Regular Transfer
  2. Copy of Purchaser’s Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC)
  3. Attested copy of Passport and Visa with Exit and Entry stamps duly attested by   the Embassy / Consulate abroad
  4. 2 x attested passport size photographs
  5. Undertaking on stamp paper (Special Power of Attorney)



Steps to be followed : 

  1. Special Power of Attorney holder will submit documents to the transfer officer
  2. Transfer Officer will verify documents from foreign Embassy / Consulate   abroad
  3. Transfer Officer will follow procedure as per of regular transfer Process


  1. Special Power of Attorney
  2. Special Power of Attorney
Documents Required

Following documents are required to proceed:

  1. Application from the Seller for out station transfer along with Medical Certificate
  2. All documents as per of Regular transfer process



Steps to be followed :

  1. The owner will submit an application requesting Outstation transfer along with Medical Officer / Doctor’s Certificate clearly mentioning medical reason for inability to travel
  2. After the approval by Competent Authority, seller will adopt procedure mentioned as per of Regular Transfer
  3. Transfer will be executed at the station requested
  4. Expanses will be borne by the seller
  5. Purchaser’s transfer formalities will be carried out in the concerned Customer Support Centre


  1. Transfer Request Performa (pdf)
  2. Transfer Request Performa (Word)
Documents Required

Following documents are required to proceed:

  1. Agreement to sell a plot
  2. Affidavit by the seller
  3. Undertaking by the purchaser for Taxes and Dues 
  4. Joint Ownership Transfer Affidavit

Steps to be followed :

  1. Deposit documents
  2. Procedure as per of Regular Transfer
  3. Single ownership transfer can also be executed


  1. Affidavit of Joint Ownership Transfer (word)
  2. Affidavit of Joint Ownership Transfer (pdf)
  3. undertaking by purchaser (pdf)
  4. undertaking by purchaser (word)
  5. Affidavit by seller (PDF)
  6. Affidavit by seller (word)
Documents Required

Following documents are required to proceed:

  1. File Opening Application

  2. Original documents i.e. MS letter / Allotment Certificate etc

  3. Original Receipts

  4. Seller’s Affidavit

  5. Photographs and CNIC / NICOP copy of the Right holder

  6. CNIC / NICOP of witnesses

  7. Transfer and R / P / MS fee (Pay order / Draft / Banker’s Cheque)

  8. “Statement of Dues” and “No Demand Certificate”


Steps to be followed :

  1. Deposit “File Opening Fee” and collect “File Opening Application” duly filled
  2. Obtain updated “Statement of Dues”, deposit amount and get “No Demand Certificate"
  3. Deposit documents and go through File Opening procedure
  4. Collect “File Opening Certificate” on the given date and time
  1. File opening policy matters
  2. Open Certificate (Template)
Documents Required


  Following documents are required to proceed:

    1. Application for the issuance of Allotment letter after the payment of all outstanding dues

    2. Copy of Membership letter / Transfer letter / Allotment certificate


Steps to be followed :

  1. Customer submits required documents after the payment of all outstanding dues, to the Customer Support officer
  2. Customer will receive allotment letter at the given date
  3. Urgent Allotment letter can be obtained after the payment of urgent fee
  1. No Attachment
Documents Required

Following documents are required to proceed:

  1. Affidavit duly attested by the Oath Commissioner
  2. Copy of Computerized National Identity Card
  3. Forwarding letter requesting issuance of duplicate letter
  4. Deposit payment slip of the lost document

Steps to be followed :

  1. Customer submits required documents to the Customer Support Officer
  2. Customer will receive Allotment Certificate / Allotment letter at the given date


  1. affidavit of duplicate documents (Pdf)
  2. affidavit of misplaced documents (word)
  3. affidavit of misplaced documents (Pdf)
  4. affidavit of duplicate documents (word)
Documents Required

Following documents are required to proceed: 

  1. Application for the change of name / address
  2. Copy of Computerized National Identity Card
  3. Declaratory Decree (if complete name changed)
  4. Affidavit for the change of name
  5. Copy of Husband / Father’s Computerized National Identity Card
  6. Copy of Nikkahnama / Divorce Certificate
  7. OriginalMembership letter / Transfer letter / Allotment certificate / Allotment letter

Steps to be followed : 

  1. Customer submits required documents to the Customer Support Centre
  2. Allotment, Transfer and Record branch will process for the change of name
  3. Amended Membership Letter / Transfer Letter / Allotment Certificate / Allotment Letter will be handed over to the member
  1. application for change of name & address (word)
  2. application for change of name & address (PDF)
  3. Application for change of Nominee PDF
  4. Application for change of Nominee PDF
Documents Required

 Following documents are required to proceed:

  1. An application for the cancellation of Special Power of Attorney (SPA) / General Power of Attorney (GPA)
  2. Copy of Computerized National Identity Card of the Owner and Attorney
  3. Undertaking regarding cancellation of SPA / GPA
  4. Original SPA / GPA
  5.  In case of loss of Original SPA / GPA, Owner / Purchaser will submit undertaking on Stamp paper regarding loss

Steps to be followed : 

  1. Customer will submit required documents.
  2. If not utilized Special Power of Attorney (SPA) / General Power of Attorney (GPA) will stand cancelled after 2 x weeks
  1. General Power of Attorney (GPA) - (pdf)
  2. Special Power of Attorney (SPA) - (DOC)
  3. Special Power of Attorney (SPA) - (PDF)
  4. Undertaking regarding loss of SPA _ GPA (word)
  5. Undertaking regarding loss of SPA _ GPA (pdf)
  6. General Power of Attorney (GPA) - (doc)
Documents Required

Following documents are required to proceed: 

  1. Application by the Owner for merging of plots
  2. Copy of Computerized National Identity Card
  3. Undertaking on stamp paper for merging
  4. Original Allotment Letter / Certificate

Steps to be followed : 

  1. Member submits required documents to the customer support officer at customer support centre
  2. After the process and given date, customer will collect new Allotment letter
  1. Merging application (pdf)
  2. Merging Affidavit (word)
  3. Merging Affidavit (pdf)
  4. Merging application (word)
Documents Required

Following documents are required to proceed:

  1. Application by the Owner for the Amalgamation of plots
  2. Copy of Computerized National Identity Card
  3. Affidavit / Undertaking on Stamp paper duly attested by the oath Commissioner
  4. Allotment letters / Allotment Certificate of the plots
  5. Site Plans of both plots
  6. Paid slips of Amalgamation Fee


Steps to be followed :

  1. Customer submits required documents
  2. After the completion of process and on given date, customer will collect new Allotment letter
  1. Affidavit_Undertaking for the Amalgamation (word)
  2. Affidavit_Undertaking for the Amalgamation (pdf)
  3. Amalgamation application (word)
  4. Amalgamation application (PDF)
Documents Required

Following documents are required to proceed: 

  1. Application by the Owner for the Sub-Division of plot
  2. Copy of Computerized National Identity Card
  3. Undertaking on Stamp Paper for Sub-division
  4. 2 x Passport size photographs
  5. Original Site Plan of plot
  6. Paid slip of Subdivision Fee

Steps to be followed : 

  1. Member submits required documents to the Customer Support Officer
  2. After the process and given date, customer will collect new Allotment letter
  1. Application for sub-division (word)
  2. Application for sub-division (PDF)
  3. Undertaking of sub-division (word)
  4. Undertaking of sub-division (pdf)
Documents Required

Following documents are required to proceed: 

  1. Application for the Registration
  2. Copy of Computerized National Identity Card (duly attested)
  3. 2 x Passport size photographs
  4. Original Paid Slip
  5. Certificate of Registration issued by Excise and Taxation Department
  6. NTN Certificate
  7. Undertaking on Stamp paper

Steps to be followed : 

  1. Dealer submits required documents to the Customer Support Centre
  2. Deposit Renewal fee for Registration of Property Dealer
  1. Application for registration (word)
  2. Application for registration (PDF)
  3. Undertaking by Property Dealers
  4. Undertaking by Property Dealers pdf
Documents Required

Following documents are required to proceed: 

  1. Request Application
  2. Mortgage fee deposit slip

Steps to be followed : 

  1. Owner has to submit request application
  2. Pay NOC / NEC fee
  3. Issue NOC / NEC to the bank
  1. Request application (Word)
  2. Request application (PDF)
Documents Required

Following documents are required to proceed:

  1. Request Application



Steps to be followed : 

  1. Owner has to submit request application
  2. To collect required documents from the office
  1. Request application (word)
  2. Request application (PDF)
Documents Required

Following documents are required to proceed: 

  1. Request Application
  2. Copy of CNIC

Steps to be followed : 

  1. Owner has to submit request application
  2. To collect cancellation letter from the office
  1. Request application (word)
  2. Request application (word)
Documents Required

Following documents are required to proceed:

  1. MS letter &/or Allotment Certificate (Copies)
  2. CNIC (Copy)
  3. Affidavit
  4. Postdated Cheques (PDC)
  5. Fee / Charges deposit slips

Steps to be followed :

  1. Member will apply for SOD & PDCS (Statement of Dues & Post Dated Cheques Statement) from BCD (Building Control Department) on Computer Generated Letter.
  2. Before applying he has to pay Possession fee and will attach Deposit slip along with the application.
  3. BCD will issue SOD & PDCS and member will pay accordingly.
  4. Now member will apply on the prescribed application and will attach following documents: -
  1. MS letter &/or Allotment Certificate (Copies)
  2. CNIC (Copy)
  3. Affidavit
  4. Postdated Cheques (PDC)
  5. Fee / Charges deposit slips
  1. BCD will process his/her application and get approval.
  2. BCD will approach the applicant to visit and get on ground Possession and Possession Letter.
  3. Now member is to apply for drawing and permission of services for construction.
  4. Member is required to start construction within 6 (Six) Months from the date of handing over possession, Otherwise He/She has to apply for re-possession.
  1. Provision of services (Pdf)
  2. Approval of building plans (word)
  3. Approval of building plans (pdf)
  4. Power of attorney (word)
  5. Power of attorney (pdf)
  6. Application for the issuance of SOD (word)
  7. Application for the issuance of SOD (pdf)
  8. Possession form (word)
  9. Possession form (pdf)
  10. possession affidavit (word)
  11. possession affidavit (pdf)
  12. Provision of services (word)
Documents Required

Following will be the Fee / Charges: -

  1. Possession Fee (Residential Plots) :
    1. 3.5 Marla                          Rs. = 15,000/-                                                          
    2. 05 Marla                           Rs. = 18,000/-                                                        
    3. 07 Marla                           Rs. = 20,000/-                                                        
    4. 10 Marla                           Rs. = 25,000/-                                                        
    5. 12 Marla                           Rs. = 28,000/-                                                        
    6. 01 Kanal                           Rs. = 35,000/-                                                            
    7. 02 Kanal                           Rs. = 60,000/-                                                        
    8. Re – Possession Fee       Half of the Above         
  1. Map Charges
  1. Set Charges                       Rs. = 20,000/-
  2. Covered area Fee              Rs. = 9.50 / Sft
  1. Services & other ( Services Material will be provided by the member)
  1. Water Supply Connection                                        Rs. = 5,000/-
  2. Temporary Electricity Connection                          Rs. = 1,000/-
  3. Temporary Electricity Security (Refundable)         Rs. = 10,000
  4. Water Bowzer charges/Bowzer                               Rs. = 1500/-
  5. Bye Laws Book                                                          Rs. = 500/-

As per procedure.

  1. Possession fees and charges


Documents Required

Following documents are required to proceed:

  1. Registration / Transfer Form
  2. NICOP / CNIC of self  & Nominee
  3. Payment Receipts / Pay Order / Draft
  4. 2 x photographs
  5. Membership  Performance
  6. Signature & Thumb impression form

Steps to be followed :

  1. Selection of Property Size
  2. All personal information is filled correctly
  3. Data entry of the nominee
  4. Entry of Payments
  5. Signature

Online Booking Modes :

  1. Online Booking : Login/Register to Member Portal and Book Online
  2. Offline Booking : Download e-Form (Manual Booking)
  1. Associate Membership Performa
  2. Specimen Signature (PDF)
  3. Registration form
  4. Specimen Signature (Word)

Verification of Property

Documents Required

Following documents are required to proceed with the verification of a property:

  1. Copy of Allocation / Membership letter / Allotment certificate / Allotment letter / Transfer letter
  2. Copy of computerized National Identity Card
  3. Copy of computerized National Identity Card of Authority holder (If authorized by the owner)
  4. Originally paid slips of the verification fee
  5. Copy of Property Dealer’s Registration Card (if applied through Property dealer)

Follow below steps to proceed verification :

  1. Submit verification application along with above mentioned documents at Customer Support Centre
  2. Owner / Authority holder will collect verified documents from Customer Support Centre on the date provided
  1. verification of property (word)
  2. verification of property (pdf)

Transfer of Property

Documents Required

Statement of Dues (SOD) is the first step for transfer in which the owner has to clear his outstanding objections and dues.

Following documents are required to proceed:

  1. Transfer request Performa
  2. Copy of Computerized National Identity Card
  3. Original Membership letter / Transfer letter / Allotment certificate / Allotment letter
  4. Paid slip of Transfer & MS fee
  5. Paid slip of Outstanding dues

Steps to be followed :

  1. Submit Transfer request to obtain SOD
  2. Customer will visit on the date and time provided for the collection of SOD to clear payments
  3. After payments, the customer submits documents along with receipts for obtaining NDC
  4. Collect NDC on the date & time provided by the Transfer officer
  1. Transfer Request Performa (word)
  2. Transfer Request Performa (pdf)
Documents Required

Following documents are required to proceed:

  1. Transfer Request, Statement of Dues (SOD) and No Demand Certificate (NDC) as per above para 4 
  2. Original Membership letter, Allotment Certificate, Allotment letter or Transfer letter
  3. Copy of Computerized National Identity Card of the Seller, Purchaser and Next of Kin
  4. Deposit slips of Membership fee, Transfer fee and all Outstanding amount
  5. Membership / Associate membership form of the purchaser
  6. 2 x Passport size photographs of the purchaser
  7. Affidavit of the Seller and Purchaser
  8. Undertaking of the purchaser
  9. General Power of Attorney (GPA) & Special Power of Attorney (SPA)

Steps to be followed :

  1. Apply and receive “No Demand Certificate” as per above para 4
  2. Customer will bring Transfer documents along with all paid slips as per SOD to the Transfer officer for obtaining Transfer appointment
  3. Transfer Officer will give transfer appointment
  4. Both Seller and Purchaser will visit Transfer branch for Transfer process
  5. Customer will bring original Computerized National Identity Card on the given date to collect Transfer letter
  6.  Urgent Transfer can be done after the payment of Urgent Transfer fee
  1. Special Power of Attorney (word)
  2. Special Power of Attorney (PDF)
  3. General Power of Attorney (word)
  4. General Power of Attorney (PDF)
  5. Affidavit of Seller (PDF)
  6. Affidavit of Seller (Word)
  7. Affidavit of Purchaser (word)
  8. Affidavit of Purchaser (PDF)
Documents Required

Following documents are required to proceed:

  1. Registration / Transfer Form
  2. NICOP / CNIC of self  & Nominee
  3. Payment Receipts / Pay Order / Draft
  4. 2 x photographs
  5. Membership  Performance
  6. Signature & Thumb impression form

Steps to be followed :

  1. Selection of Property Size
  2. All personal information is filled correctly
  3. Data entry of the nominee
  4. Entry of Payments
  5. Signature
  1. Affidavit by the doner (word)
  2. Affidavit by the doner (pdf)
  3. Affidavit by donee (word)
  4. Affidavit by donee (PDF)
  5. Gift deed for love & affection (word)
  6. Gift deed for love & affection (pdf)
  7. certificate by the donee (word)
  8. certificate by the donee (PDF)
Documents Required

After the death of the owner, property is transferred to the legal heir(s) i.e. widow(s) / widowers ( having children / no children, dispute / no dispute, widow(s) / re-marries) :

Following documents are required to proceed:

  1. Legal Heir(s) Transfer Documents
  2. Original Membership Letter / Transfer Letter / Allotment Certificate / Allotment Letter
  3. Declaratory decree in respect of Legal Heir(s) issued by the Civil Judge having competent Jurisdiction
  4. Death Certificate (duly attested)
  5. Copies of Computerized National Identity Card of all Legal Heir(s) (duly attested)
  6. 2 x Passport Size photographs of each Legal Heir (duly attested by Gazetted Officer)
  7. Membership form of Legal Heir(s)
  8. Membership fee and Transfer fee slips
  9. Affidavits of Widows / Widower / Legal Heir(s)

Steps to be followed : 

  1. Submit documents to the Transfer Officer at Customer Support Centre
  2. Legal heir(s) will visit Transfer Officer for Transfer process
  3. Legal Heir(s) along with their original Computerized National Identity Card will visit Transfer branch to collect Transfer letter
  4. In case, any one of the Legal Heir is abroad, he / she can authorize any other Legal Heir to receive letter on his / her behalf. Authority Letter has to be attested by the Pakistan Embassy / Consulate abroad
  1. legal heir(s) transfer application (word)
  2. legal heir(s) transfer application (pdf)
Documents Required

Following documents are required to proceed:

  1. Documents as per of Regular Transfer to be signed by the owner and attested by the Embassy / Consulate abroad
  2. Attested copy of owners Computerized National Identity Card from concerned Embassy / Consulate abroad
  3. Attested copy of Passport and Visa with Exit and Entry stamps from concerned Embassy / Consulate abroad
  4. Submission of General Power of Attorney on Stamp paper duly attested by concerned Embassy / Consulates abroad

Steps to be followed :

  1. General Power of Attorney holder submits documents to Transfer Officer
  2. Transfer Officer will verify transfer documents from concerned Embassy / Consulate and Owner
  3. After receiving the confirmation letter from the Embassy / Consulate General Power of Attorney holder will follow procedure as per the process of Regular Transfer


  1. General Power of Attorney (word)
  2. General Power of Attorney (PDF)
Documents Required

Following documents are required to proceed:

  1. Documents as per of Regular Transfer
  2. Copy of Purchaser’s Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC)
  3. Attested copy of Passport and Visa with Exit and Entry stamps duly attested by   the Embassy / Consulate abroad
  4. 2 x attested passport size photographs
  5. Undertaking on stamp paper (Special Power of Attorney)



Steps to be followed : 

  1. Special Power of Attorney holder will submit documents to the transfer officer
  2. Transfer Officer will verify documents from foreign Embassy / Consulate   abroad
  3. Transfer Officer will follow procedure as per of regular transfer Process


  1. Special Power of Attorney
  2. Special Power of Attorney
Documents Required

Following documents are required to proceed:

  1. Application from the Seller for out station transfer along with Medical Certificate
  2. All documents as per of Regular transfer process



Steps to be followed :

  1. The owner will submit an application requesting Outstation transfer along with Medical Officer / Doctor’s Certificate clearly mentioning medical reason for inability to travel
  2. After the approval by Competent Authority, seller will adopt procedure mentioned as per of Regular Transfer
  3. Transfer will be executed at the station requested
  4. Expanses will be borne by the seller
  5. Purchaser’s transfer formalities will be carried out in the concerned Customer Support Centre


  1. Transfer Request Performa (pdf)
  2. Transfer Request Performa (Word)
Documents Required

Following documents are required to proceed:

  1. Agreement to sell a plot
  2. Affidavit by the seller
  3. Undertaking by the purchaser for Taxes and Dues 
  4. Joint Ownership Transfer Affidavit

Steps to be followed :

  1. Deposit documents
  2. Procedure as per of Regular Transfer
  3. Single ownership transfer can also be executed


  1. Affidavit of Joint Ownership Transfer (word)
  2. Affidavit of Joint Ownership Transfer (pdf)
  3. undertaking by purchaser (pdf)
  4. undertaking by purchaser (word)
  5. Affidavit by seller (PDF)
  6. Affidavit by seller (word)

File Opening

Documents Required

Following documents are required to proceed:

  1. File Opening Application

  2. Original documents i.e. MS letter / Allotment Certificate etc

  3. Original Receipts

  4. Seller’s Affidavit

  5. Photographs and CNIC / NICOP copy of the Right holder

  6. CNIC / NICOP of witnesses

  7. Transfer and R / P / MS fee (Pay order / Draft / Banker’s Cheque)

  8. “Statement of Dues” and “No Demand Certificate”


Steps to be followed :

  1. Deposit “File Opening Fee” and collect “File Opening Application” duly filled
  2. Obtain updated “Statement of Dues”, deposit amount and get “No Demand Certificate"
  3. Deposit documents and go through File Opening procedure
  4. Collect “File Opening Certificate” on the given date and time
  1. File opening policy matters
  2. Open Certificate (Template)

Issuance of Certificates / Letters

Documents Required


  Following documents are required to proceed:

    1. Application for the issuance of Allotment letter after the payment of all outstanding dues

    2. Copy of Membership letter / Transfer letter / Allotment certificate


Steps to be followed :

  1. Customer submits required documents after the payment of all outstanding dues, to the Customer Support officer
  2. Customer will receive allotment letter at the given date
  3. Urgent Allotment letter can be obtained after the payment of urgent fee
  1. No Attachment
Documents Required

Following documents are required to proceed:

  1. Affidavit duly attested by the Oath Commissioner
  2. Copy of Computerized National Identity Card
  3. Forwarding letter requesting issuance of duplicate letter
  4. Deposit payment slip of the lost document

Steps to be followed :

  1. Customer submits required documents to the Customer Support Officer
  2. Customer will receive Allotment Certificate / Allotment letter at the given date


  1. affidavit of duplicate documents (Pdf)
  2. affidavit of misplaced documents (word)
  3. affidavit of misplaced documents (Pdf)
  4. affidavit of duplicate documents (word)

Change of Name / Address / Nominee

Documents Required

Following documents are required to proceed: 

  1. Application for the change of name / address
  2. Copy of Computerized National Identity Card
  3. Declaratory Decree (if complete name changed)
  4. Affidavit for the change of name
  5. Copy of Husband / Father’s Computerized National Identity Card
  6. Copy of Nikkahnama / Divorce Certificate
  7. OriginalMembership letter / Transfer letter / Allotment certificate / Allotment letter

Steps to be followed : 

  1. Customer submits required documents to the Customer Support Centre
  2. Allotment, Transfer and Record branch will process for the change of name
  3. Amended Membership Letter / Transfer Letter / Allotment Certificate / Allotment Letter will be handed over to the member
  1. application for change of name & address (word)
  2. application for change of name & address (PDF)
  3. Application for change of Nominee PDF
  4. Application for change of Nominee PDF

Special Power of Attorney (SPA) / General Power of Attorney (GPA)

Documents Required

 Following documents are required to proceed:

  1. An application for the cancellation of Special Power of Attorney (SPA) / General Power of Attorney (GPA)
  2. Copy of Computerized National Identity Card of the Owner and Attorney
  3. Undertaking regarding cancellation of SPA / GPA
  4. Original SPA / GPA
  5.  In case of loss of Original SPA / GPA, Owner / Purchaser will submit undertaking on Stamp paper regarding loss

Steps to be followed : 

  1. Customer will submit required documents.
  2. If not utilized Special Power of Attorney (SPA) / General Power of Attorney (GPA) will stand cancelled after 2 x weeks
  1. General Power of Attorney (GPA) - (pdf)
  2. Special Power of Attorney (SPA) - (DOC)
  3. Special Power of Attorney (SPA) - (PDF)
  4. Undertaking regarding loss of SPA _ GPA (word)
  5. Undertaking regarding loss of SPA _ GPA (pdf)
  6. General Power of Attorney (GPA) - (doc)

Merging of Plots

Documents Required

Following documents are required to proceed: 

  1. Application by the Owner for merging of plots
  2. Copy of Computerized National Identity Card
  3. Undertaking on stamp paper for merging
  4. Original Allotment Letter / Certificate

Steps to be followed : 

  1. Member submits required documents to the customer support officer at customer support centre
  2. After the process and given date, customer will collect new Allotment letter
  1. Merging application (pdf)
  2. Merging Affidavit (word)
  3. Merging Affidavit (pdf)
  4. Merging application (word)

Amalgamation of Plots

Documents Required

Following documents are required to proceed:

  1. Application by the Owner for the Amalgamation of plots
  2. Copy of Computerized National Identity Card
  3. Affidavit / Undertaking on Stamp paper duly attested by the oath Commissioner
  4. Allotment letters / Allotment Certificate of the plots
  5. Site Plans of both plots
  6. Paid slips of Amalgamation Fee


Steps to be followed :

  1. Customer submits required documents
  2. After the completion of process and on given date, customer will collect new Allotment letter
  1. Affidavit_Undertaking for the Amalgamation (word)
  2. Affidavit_Undertaking for the Amalgamation (pdf)
  3. Amalgamation application (word)
  4. Amalgamation application (PDF)

Sub-Division of Plot

Documents Required

Following documents are required to proceed: 

  1. Application by the Owner for the Sub-Division of plot
  2. Copy of Computerized National Identity Card
  3. Undertaking on Stamp Paper for Sub-division
  4. 2 x Passport size photographs
  5. Original Site Plan of plot
  6. Paid slip of Subdivision Fee

Steps to be followed : 

  1. Member submits required documents to the Customer Support Officer
  2. After the process and given date, customer will collect new Allotment letter
  1. Application for sub-division (word)
  2. Application for sub-division (PDF)
  3. Undertaking of sub-division (word)
  4. Undertaking of sub-division (pdf)

Registration of Property Dealers

Documents Required

Following documents are required to proceed: 

  1. Application for the Registration
  2. Copy of Computerized National Identity Card (duly attested)
  3. 2 x Passport size photographs
  4. Original Paid Slip
  5. Certificate of Registration issued by Excise and Taxation Department
  6. NTN Certificate
  7. Undertaking on Stamp paper

Steps to be followed : 

  1. Dealer submits required documents to the Customer Support Centre
  2. Deposit Renewal fee for Registration of Property Dealer
  1. Application for registration (word)
  2. Application for registration (PDF)
  3. Undertaking by Property Dealers
  4. Undertaking by Property Dealers pdf


Documents Required

Following documents are required to proceed: 

  1. Request Application
  2. Mortgage fee deposit slip

Steps to be followed : 

  1. Owner has to submit request application
  2. Pay NOC / NEC fee
  3. Issue NOC / NEC to the bank
  1. Request application (Word)
  2. Request application (PDF)

Authority Letter

Documents Required

Following documents are required to proceed:

  1. Request Application



Steps to be followed : 

  1. Owner has to submit request application
  2. To collect required documents from the office
  1. Request application (word)
  2. Request application (PDF)

Cancellation of File

Documents Required

Following documents are required to proceed: 

  1. Request Application
  2. Copy of CNIC

Steps to be followed : 

  1. Owner has to submit request application
  2. To collect cancellation letter from the office
  1. Request application (word)
  2. Request application (word)

Possession of Plots

Documents Required

Following documents are required to proceed:

  1. MS letter &/or Allotment Certificate (Copies)
  2. CNIC (Copy)
  3. Affidavit
  4. Postdated Cheques (PDC)
  5. Fee / Charges deposit slips

Steps to be followed :

  1. Member will apply for SOD & PDCS (Statement of Dues & Post Dated Cheques Statement) from BCD (Building Control Department) on Computer Generated Letter.
  2. Before applying he has to pay Possession fee and will attach Deposit slip along with the application.
  3. BCD will issue SOD & PDCS and member will pay accordingly.
  4. Now member will apply on the prescribed application and will attach following documents: -
  1. MS letter &/or Allotment Certificate (Copies)
  2. CNIC (Copy)
  3. Affidavit
  4. Postdated Cheques (PDC)
  5. Fee / Charges deposit slips
  1. BCD will process his/her application and get approval.
  2. BCD will approach the applicant to visit and get on ground Possession and Possession Letter.
  3. Now member is to apply for drawing and permission of services for construction.
  4. Member is required to start construction within 6 (Six) Months from the date of handing over possession, Otherwise He/She has to apply for re-possession.
  1. Provision of services (Pdf)
  2. Approval of building plans (word)
  3. Approval of building plans (pdf)
  4. Power of attorney (word)
  5. Power of attorney (pdf)
  6. Application for the issuance of SOD (word)
  7. Application for the issuance of SOD (pdf)
  8. Possession form (word)
  9. Possession form (pdf)
  10. possession affidavit (word)
  11. possession affidavit (pdf)
  12. Provision of services (word)
Documents Required

Following will be the Fee / Charges: -

  1. Possession Fee (Residential Plots) :
    1. 3.5 Marla                          Rs. = 15,000/-                                                          
    2. 05 Marla                           Rs. = 18,000/-                                                        
    3. 07 Marla                           Rs. = 20,000/-                                                        
    4. 10 Marla                           Rs. = 25,000/-                                                        
    5. 12 Marla                           Rs. = 28,000/-                                                        
    6. 01 Kanal                           Rs. = 35,000/-                                                            
    7. 02 Kanal                           Rs. = 60,000/-                                                        
    8. Re – Possession Fee       Half of the Above         
  1. Map Charges
  1. Set Charges                       Rs. = 20,000/-
  2. Covered area Fee              Rs. = 9.50 / Sft
  1. Services & other ( Services Material will be provided by the member)
  1. Water Supply Connection                                        Rs. = 5,000/-
  2. Temporary Electricity Connection                          Rs. = 1,000/-
  3. Temporary Electricity Security (Refundable)         Rs. = 10,000
  4. Water Bowzer charges/Bowzer                               Rs. = 1500/-
  5. Bye Laws Book                                                          Rs. = 500/-

As per procedure.

  1. Possession fees and charges